Pig Scalding and Dehairing

Pig Scalding and Dehairing
Scalding and dehairing are two of the most important factors in pig primary processing that directly affect the meat quality and the end product.
Hatziioakimidis offers different capacities and variations in scalding (pull-through scalding or spraying scalding) and dehairing systems as well as all-in-one scalding and dehairing tunnels.
Our pig scalding equipment is carefully designed to offer the best possible pork surface quality, while minimizing operational costs and saving energy with smart integrations.
Practically maintenance-free, our pig dehairing equipment runs non-stop without any daily or weekly maintenance needed.
Factors such as temperature, pig breed and seasonality can affect the pig dehairing result, this is why our machines are designed in such way to be fully adjusted to all crucial parameters.
Today, we are able to offer the best result under any circumstances.