Cattle Packing - Weighing

Cattle Packing - Weighing

cattle packing and weighing equipment for slaughterhouses

Cattle Packing - Weighing

Hatziioakimidis offers beef packing lines that are focused on speed, precision, and efficiency. Our various packing series are able to pack by-products and final products alike. Each packing line can accommodate different products, meaning different types of by-products in the same packing line. With the use of our state-of-the-art software, the packing efficiency and precision reach new levels. In combination with our packing lines, our cattle weighing systems can offer end-to-end solutions for every customer need. Hatziioakimidis offers modern, accurate, and automated weighing systems that are designed to last, whether used as stand-alone applications or as part of a complete weighing system with centralized data management. What’s more? All our systems can be integrated with any ERP or invoicing software.
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